The Salaf In Ramadaan
Al Manar Magazine
The first generation of Muslims, the pious Salaf, were undoubtedly
the best
of generations. Their character and way of life stand witness to this fact
and is further confirmed by the
statement of Allaah’s Messenger, :
'The best of generations are my generation, then those which
follow them,
then those which follow them.' (Reported by Muslim)
They were indeed, the best amongst those who implemented the
teachings of our
beloved Prophet Muhammad. So naturally it is their example that one must
in all matters
and Ramadaan is no exception. The Salaf were frugal with their
own iftaar meals but generous hosts towards others.
'Abdullaah ibn 'Umar, for example, would prefer to eat his
iftaar meal with
the poor.
Whenever he broke his fast at home, he never ate his fill, so that if a needy
visited, 'Abdullaah could give him his iftaar meal. Thus he would end
up virtually "fasting" that whole night too! He
used to give away sweets in
charity saying,
'I am aware of Allaah's saying; "…you shall not attain piety until
you spend
out of that which is beloved to you" [Ali 'Imraan: 92] and Allaah knows that
I love sweets.'
Once when Al-Imaam Ahmad had prepared some bread for iftaar,
a needy person
called on him. Without hesitating he gave away all his bread, and went
hungry.Ibn-ul Mubaarak used
to prepare sweets for his brothers, despite the
fact that he was fasting.
Al-Imaam Ash-Shaafi'ee, once said, 'It is beloved to me to
see one increasing
his acts of generosity during the month of Ramadaan, following the example of
Allaah’s Messenger,
and for one's own good. There are many who become
over-occupied with fasting and Prayers, forgetting the other benefits
of the
month of Ramadaan [i.e. forgetting about the benefits and rewards for being
generous towards others].'
The Prophet, said, 'The best of deeds is that of keeping your
brother happy,
or that of paying off a debt of his, or that of feeding him.' (Ad-daylamee,
1/1/123, AsSilsilah
As-Saheehah/Al-Albaanee, 1494)
The most beloved of people to Allaah are those who are of most
benefit [to
The most of beloved actions to Allaah, 'azza wa jalla, is when you make
another Muslim happy,
removing a hardship that has befallen him, paying off a
debt of his or rid him of hunger. It is more beloved to me indeed
that I walk
with my Muslim brother
to see to a need of his than performing i'tikaaf (secluding oneself) in a
for a month…' (At-Tabaraanee/Al-kabeer, 3/209/2, As-Silsilah
As-Saheehah, 906)
'The best of people is the one who is of most benefit to them'
As-Saheehah, 426) 'The likeness [i.e. in terms of rewards] of the one who
comes to
[the aid of] a
widow and [the aid of] a destitute is like that of a mujaahid
(striver) in the cause of Allaah or that of someone who
spends the night in
prayers and the day in fasting. (Al-Mishkaat, 4951)
'Abdullaah ibn 'Amro ibn Al 'Aas, narrated that a man once
asked Allaah’s
Messenger, , 'Which is the best [of actions] in Islaam?' He [] replied,
'Feeding [others] and
extending the Salaam to those who you know and those
you do not.' (At-Targeeb - Saheeh)
The Prophet, also said, 'Once there was a dog wondering around,
dying of
thirst, when a prostitute saw it. She then took off her shoe and used it to
give the dog water
[out of
a well]. She was granted forgiveness [i.e. for her sins for being a
prostitute, when she repented].' (Al-Bukhaaree and
If this huge reward was granted to a woman because of kindness
to a dog, even
though she was involved in major sin, can we imagine the rewards for kindness
to an obedient, fasting
Muslim?! Our Prophet, told us, 'Allaah, ta'aala, has
singled out certain people with abundance for the benefit of His
servants and He shall let it run [i.e. their wealth] as long as they are
persistent [in benefiting others with
it]. If they cease to do so then He
shall take it away from them and redirect it to others.'
5295,As-Silsilah As-Saheehah, 1692)
We should be most active in spending our wealth to help those
fortunate.This Ramadaan, let us remember too, the saying of 'Ubaid Ibn
'Umair, rahimahu Allaah, 'On the Day of
Judgement people will be gathered as
hungry as they have ever been and as thirsty as they have ever been and as
as they have ever been. Then, he who has fed [others] for the sake of
Allaah, 'azza wajalla,Allaah will feed him till
he is full. He who has given
to water to others, for the sake of Allaah, 'azza wajalla, Allaah will give
him water
and he who has clothed others for the sake of Allaah, 'azza
wajalla, Allaah will clothe him.'
Ash-Sha'bee, once said, 'He who does not consider himself in
greater need of
the reward for giving sadaqah,as compared to the need of the destitute for
that sadaqah,
will have
corrupted his act of charity and have it flung in his face [on the
Day of Judgement].'
Brothers and sisters! We shouldn't shy away from performing
even the smallest
of good deeds, for Allaah the Most Merciful's rewards can be greater than
Mount Uhud in size! Let
us not forget that, 'The Messenger of Allaah, was the
most generous of people and he used to be most generous in
and Muslim)
The next time we come across a call to help our needy fellow
Muslims, let us
respond with vigour and joy! Maybe this act could be the one through which
Allaah bestows His pardon
and everlasting bliss!