To the Muslims all over the world...
To the inheritors of the Prophets, who replace the darkness of Kufr with the
light of Imaan...
To the callers to Islaam, who choose to be the strangers in the world of transgression...
To the Mujaahideen on the hills of Chechnya and the outskirts of Grozny...
To the to fighters in the trenches of Jihaad, fighting the Kuffaar all over
the world...
To the mothers who sacrificed their sons in the path of Allah...
To the orphans who were honoured by the martyrdom of their fathers...
And especially to those who are temporarily absent from us.... Yet permanently
residents in our hearts...
TaqabbalAllahu Minnaa wa min kum
May Allah accept
it from us and you...
1. It is established from the Companion lbn Umar, that he used to bath on the morning of 'Eed. The tabi'ee,
Sa'eed ibn al-Musayyib said: "The sunnah of the fitr is three: walking to the Prayer-ground, eating before going out and
taking a bath." [al-lrwaa (2/104)]
It is known that Ibn 'Umar also would dress in his best clothes for the two 'Eeds as reported by lbn Hajr in his Fathul-Baaree
It is compulsory on all adult sane Muslims to pray the 'Eed prayer, The Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) and his companions
never ceased doing it and he (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) commanded everyone including women, children and elderly to attend.
Even menstruating women should go to the place of congregation so that they may partake in the blessings. [Bukhaaree and Muslim]
4. It is sunnah to eat dates before we leave for Al-'Eed prayer to show that we are not fasting on this day. "The
prophet, (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) used not to leave for Al-'Eed [al-Fitr] prayer except after eating some dates."
[Saheeh al-Bukhaaree (eng. trans. vol.2 p.40 no.73) ]
5. It is sunnah to say takbeer loudly when leaving our homes to go to 'Eed prayer and repeat these till the prayer
starts. [Silsilat Al-Ahaadeeth As-Saheehah (no. 171)]
6. It is preferable to pray the 'Eed prayer on open ground and not in the masjid if possible. [Bukhaaree and Muslim]
7. Neither Adhaan nor lqaamah are said for 'Eed prayer. [Saheeh al-Bukhaaree (eng. trans. vol.2 p.40 no78c)]
8. It is sunnah to say the extra takbeers [ie, say 'Allaahu Akbar.'] seven times in the first rak'ah and five times
in the second. [Aboo Daawood, Ahmed].
It is sunnah to take different routes to and; from the masjid, preferably walking if possible.
Jabir reported that the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) used to come back from the 'Eed [prayer] on a path other than
the one used in going to it [Bukhaaree]