"I have known people and kept company with groups who neither
rejoiced when the things of this world came to them, nor grieved when they lost anything in this world. The life of this world
was more insignificant to them than dust. One of them might live for a year or for sixty years without ever having a garment
that would entirely cover him, and without ever having anything that would come between him and the ground, and without ever
having any food that he could ask to be prepared for him in his own home. When night came, they would be on their feet, with
their foreheads flat against the earth, tears rolling down their cheeks, secretly calling on Allah to save them on the Day
of Judgement. If they did something good, they never stopped being grateful for it, and they were always asking Allah to forgive
them for it. By Allah, they were not safe from wrong actions, and were saved only by their constant turning in repentance.
May Allah be pleased with them and grant them His mercy..."
al-Hasan al-Basree
Life is nothing but an accumulation of many breaths. So every
breath is just a precious diamond which cannot be purchased with anything in the world. It is a priceless jewel which has
got no substitute in value. So in movements and talks, and in sorrows and happiness, such a priceless breath should not be
spent in vain. To destroy it is to court destruction. An intelligent man cannot lose it. When a man gets up at dawn, he should
enter into an agreement with himself just as a tradesman contracts with his partner. At that time, he should address his mind
thus: O mind, you have been given no other property as precious as life. When it will end, the principal will end and despondency
will come in seeking profit in business. Today is a new day. Allah has given you time, that is, He has delayed your
death. He has bestowed upon you innumerable gifts. Think that you are already dead. So don't waste time. Every breath is a
precious jewel. Man has got for each day and night twenty-four treasure houses in twenty-four hours. Fill up these then find
them filled up with divine sights in the world next. If they are not filled up with good works, they will be filled up with
intense darkness wherefrom a bad stench will come out and envelop them all around. Another treasure house will neither give
him happiness nor sorrow. That is an hour in which he slept, or was careless, or was engaged in any lawful work of this world.
He will feel grieved for its remaining vacant.
al Ghazali
O people who take pleasure in a life that will vanish, falling
in love with a faded shadow is sheer stupidity!
Ibn Qayyim al Jawziyyah
‘Umar ibn ‘Abdul ‘Azeez (rahimahullaah) used
to say, “None can reach the station of taqwaa until he possesses neither action nor words that can be exposed to his
embarrassment either in this world or the Hereafter.” He was once asked, “When does the worshipper reach the peak
of taqwaa?” He replied, “If he put all his thoughts and desires in his heart on a plate and then wandered around
in the market, he should not feel ashamed of anything there.”"Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you deny?"
'Umar ibn Abdil-Azeez
Al-Muzni who is Aboo lbraaheem Isma`eel ibn Yahya
said: "I entered upon ash-Shaafi'ee during his illness which resulted in his death, so I said to him: 'What is your condition?'
He replied: "I am journeying from this world, and departing from my brothers, drinking from the cup of death, and upon Allaah
- Exalted is His remembrance - arriving. And no! By Allaah, I do not know if my soul is traveling towards Paradise or the
Fire!" Then he started to weep, and he said:
'In You, the Creator, I raise my longing, And even
if I am, O possessor of kindness and generosity, an evildoer, a criminal,
When my heart became constricted and my paths
became narrow,
I took my hope in Your pardon and forgiveness
as an opening and an escape,
My sins seemed very great to me but when I compared
them to Your forgiveness,
I found Your forgiveness to be greater,
You are and still remain the only One who can
forgive sins,
You grant and forgive out of Your benevolence
and generosity,
Perhaps the One who is the source of all goodness
will forgive and overlook my mistakes,
And will hide the sins and burden that I accumulated,
My sins seemed very great to me, so I turned (to
You) in humility,
Were it not for my contentment in you, I wouldn't,
O my Lord, have seen any comfort at all,
So if You forgive me, You would have forgiven
a sinner, A rebellious, oppressive tyrant still sinning,
So my crime is very great, past and present, But
Your forgiveness that embraces Your servant is greater and higher,
So whomsoever holds fast to Allaah is truly saved
from mankind, And whosever's hopes are in Him, will be far removed from any regrets.'
Imam Ash-Shaafi`ee